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How to Navigate in Rons Data Edit - Rons Data Edit

In this article, we are going to explain how to navigate in Rons Data Edit. Don't hesitate to Download our CSV Editor (Free version available) so that you can follow the steps as you read this article.

Rons Data Edit is meant to be as instinctive as possible so, hopefully, most features can be discovered as it goes. However, a little guidance to get around can be useful. This is why we have decided to explain a few features to help with the navigation.

Note that Rons Data Edit has two top menu settings: A Ribbon Menu (Icons) and a Traditional Menu (list). In our article we are using the Ribbon Menu. The type of menu can be changed in the application options under Appearance Settings.

In the picture below we have numbered the 5 sections which we are going to explain in further details.

File Associations

(1)The Document area, obviously the most important section as any action impacts that area. This section can also display other views: New Construct view, Duplicate View, and filtered and Quick Filtered views.

(2)The Location Panel, where multiple folders with multiple files are displayed in a tree layout.

(3)The Top Menu area where the majority of editing actions can be found.

(4)The Tool Panel area displays Tools and Views.

(5)The Side Panel can open in total 5 sub-panels that have different purpose: Document Properties, Views, View Layout, Cell View and Command List.

The Document

The document area (1) is the main area where the data is displayed after the file was loaded. That area can be opened full screen: everything has been designed to provide the best data visualization as possible.

Multiple files/documents can be opened at the same time; they are displayed in their own tab. When several documents are open, one can also use the Find Document option (View/Find Document) to make it easier to navigate between them.

Aside of the Main Document view, several views of that document can also be opened:

  • New Construct views
  • Duplicate Views
  • Filtered Views
  • Quick Filtered Views

When opened, these views are displayed in the second Side Panel (Section 5 in the top picture) called Document Views. From that panel, one can easily switch from one view to another, simply by clicking on them. This is also the area where these views can be closed.

The Location Panel

The location panel (2) can be opened on the left side of the screen to display conveniently multiple files or folders containing files. From there the data files can be easily opened in separate tabs.

The first block displays the Current Documents, which means the documents that are currently open. The second block displays the files that are available on the explorer. They can easily be opened from that list.

The Top Menu

The Ribbon Top Menu (3) is full of options that modify the data directly in the grid. Several tools, when clicked on, open either a pop-up window in the middle of the screen (such as Page per Row, Edit Schema, Data Profiles etc.) or a panel at the bottom of the screen (Number 4) or a side panel (Number 5). These areas generally allow to prepare further set up for specific purposes.

As this documentation is meant to help specifically with the navigation, we won't describe every option in the top ribbon menu in depth but we will give a general overview of the top menu sections:

  • Home
  • View
  • Layout
  • Columns
  • Rows
  • Cells
  • Filter View
  • Application


Home is a collection of often used tools.


The View section is the menu section where one can open documents, tools or utilities to view the data in a specific way.

Locations: Clicking on Locations opens the left side panel (Number 2) to display files and folders.

Find Document: If multiple files are open and are becoming difficult to find or visualize on their own tabs, one can search them easily by clicking on View/Find Document: A small window will open displaying the list of open documents and, and one can also type the name of a file to find the document more easily.

Page per Row: This view allows to visualize and/or modify the data per row instead of per column.

File Associations

Go to Row/ Column: Clicking on this button opens the View Layout Side Panel used to easily navigate through columns and rows.

Move Document to - New Window: A document that is in a tab can be reopened separately in a new window.

View/Previous Document and Next Document: Clicking on these options allow to navigate between Documents/Tabs.


As indicated by the name this menu section displays options that affect the layout of the document.


The actions displayed in this menu section affect the columns.

Edit Schema: Clicking on Edit Schema opens a window where the columns schema can be updated. Columns can be sorted and their type (Text, Time, Date, Decimal etc.) can also be detected and/or changed.

File Associations


The actions displayed in this menu section affect the rows.


The actions displayed in this menu section affect the cells.

Filter View

This menu section contains options to visualize the documents through different filtered views, for example Quick Filter, Filter (more advanced functions), Duplicate Rows and Construct.

Whenever a new View is opened, it is displayed on the Filter View Side Panel on the right side which opens automatically. To go back to the main document, one needs to click on Main Document that is listed at the top of the Views list. Any view (or View Set) can be saved and/or loaded.

Note: Views can only be closed in the Side Panel.

To help with the navigation when several views are opened, one can use the Go to Row/Column or Cell In... buttons which, when clicking one the Down arrow list the Views where the row(s), column(s) or cell(s) can be found. From there one can open the desired view where the row(s), column(s) or cell(s) is situated.


Finally, in the Application section in the Top Menu, a few options have their own window opening:

Data Profiles: Delimiters Settings

Edit Commands: This is the area where Keyboard Commands can be customized.

Options: This is the area where the visual of the application can be customized. In the Appearance settings, the user can choose a color theme for the application, and choose between a traditional menu (list menu) and a Ribbon Menu, and between light or dark mode. Fonts type and size can be changed there and column and row size can also be defined. Single or multiple line display can be set up there too.

File Associations

Command Line Parameters: Application Command Line Parameters display.

Licenses: Specific License information concerning the Application.

About: General Information concerning the application.

Import/Export in the File menu

The File menu in both traditional or ribbon menu contains actions that are commonly used in applications but it is worth noting that the Import and Export commands can be found there.

The Tool Panel area

The Tool Panel area (4) displays Views and Tools.

File Associations

Aside of the Main Document View, four other type of views can be opened.

List of Views:

  • Filter View
  • Quick Filter View
  • Duplicates View
  • Construct View

All these View commands can be found in the top menu under the Filter View section. Clicking on their button opens the lower panel (4) which provides the settings to filter the desired data from the Main Document. Once the criteria have been defined, the data is displayed and the new view is created. When opened, the view is instantly listed in the second side panel (5) called Show View List. From the Side Panel, it is easy to navigate between the listed views by clicking on them. This is also the area where they can be closed. Finally, multiple tools and visualization Panels can be open under each view, bringing extra editing or visualizing power.

Tools and Visualization Panels

The tool panels allow to display and perform advanced editing actions on the main document or on a filtered view. The visualization panels provide settings to summarize the data and display it in the form of graphs.

List of Tools:
  • Toolbox
  • Cleaner
  • Row Tools
  • Sort Panels
  • Column Tools
  • Cell Tools
Visualization Panels:
  • Data Summary
  • Data Graph

Several tools and visualization panels can be opened under a View. Once opened, it is easy to navigate between each one of them as they have their own tab on the Tool panel.

The Side Panel

The Side Panel (number 5 in the top picture) opens on the right side of the screen. There are 5 sections in the Side Panel, each of them having own functions. Simply click on any of the 5 icons to open the side panel. Hovering above them with the mouse allows to see their names:

  • Document Property
  • Document Views
  • View Layout
  • Cell View
  • Command List

In some circumstances side panels opens automatically: for example when a new View is created, for instance a Quick Filter View, then the Document Views side panel opens.

Most of these side panels have important roles in the navigation.

The Document Views Side Panel allows to work on several Views at the same time, changing the views by simply clicking on them in the panel.

The View Layout Side Panel can be used for navigation purposes to get quickly to the desired column or row.

The Cell View Side Panel allows to edit cell content easily.

The Command List Side Panel is the area where short keys can be found, created and customized. Short Keys make it easy and fast to navigate within the application.